The Buntić family can consider the beginning of serious cellaring in 1921.
Another significant year is 1972, Then the wine is packaged in glass bottles of 1 liter with the label of the Buntić Cellar.
Finally, in 1994, the production and production of Žilavka and Blatina was registered as a top protected product.
Our story begins in a small place where Herzegovina is paired with Dalmatia, where thanks to the experiences of our ancestors, with respect for nature, hard work and new technologies, from year to year we create wines full of love. Our story is a story that uses only the best of the Herzegovinian karst - let us tell it to you.
Our story begins in a small place where Herzegovina is paired with Dalmatia, where thanks to the experiences of our ancestors, with respect for nature, hard work and new technologies, from year to year we create wines full of love. Our story is a story that uses only the best of the Herzegovinian karst - let us tell it to you.
To take some step in my life, to try to change that image of abandoned vineyards, to create one new beauty, to look back at what we have done, to establish a connection with our past. And so the motto and slogan in our thinking agreed, which signifies the motive and our endeavors: Tradition eternal inspiration.
Bar Mitzvahs
Povijest Vinograda Nuić započinje 2004. godine kada je kultiviran iznimno lijep položaj Orlovac. Vrijedne ruke predale su se krševitoj crvenici i na površini od 7 ha posađeno je preko 30 000 loza. Uz autohtone hercegovačke sorte Žilavku i Blatinu, tu su još posađene Bena i Krkošija, te Trnjak, Cabernet Sauvignon, Alicante Bouschet i Plavac Mal

The Sušac family cellar has an estate in Cern, northeast of Ljubuški.
Sušac cultivated and through a system of cascades cultivated 2.5 hectares of leased land on which he planted 7,500 vines, 130 olives, 40 cherries, vegetables, and on the farm produces oil and wines that are already regularly recognized and awarded in the region.
The vineyards of the Keža Winery cover 25 ha in Studenci, and when planting vines, the emphasis was placed on autochthonous varieties, Žilavka and Blatina. The complete process of wine production takes place with the most modern technology and in accordance with the highest world standards. Wine can be found in exclusive restaurants for now.